Westpoort VCA Eindtermen Basis, VOL, VIL VCU Engels

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Version 20232909oW | This book is a Opleidingscentrum Westpoort edition

1. Regulations and rules ................................................................................. 4 1.1 T HE SCOPE OF THE H&S LEGISLATION .................................................................................................... 4 1.2 G ENERAL OBLIGATIONS FOR EMPLOYERS IN THE FIELD OF EXPERT ASSISTANCE ................................................ 5 1.3. E NVIRONMENTAL LEGISLATION , WORKING HOURS LEGISLATION AND THE CE MARKING .................................. 5 1.4. D UTIES , RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS ....................................................................................................... 6 1.5. D IVISION OF TASKS AND RESPONSIBILITIES .............................................................................................. 7 1.6. M EANING , PURPOSE AND APPLICATION OF VCA CERTIFICATION ............................................................... 10 1.7. M ANDATORY TRAINING AND VCA DIPLOMAS ....................................................................................... 11 1.8. G UIDELINES FOR SAFETY RULES AND WORK PERMITS .............................................................................. 11 1.9. (A DDITIONAL ) WORK PERMITS ........................................................................................................... 12 2. Safe working, consultation and inspections ............................................... 14 2.1. G UIDELINES FOR PROMOTING SAFE BEHAVIOUR .................................................................................... 14 2.2. G ENERAL RULES IN RELATION TO HUMAN BEHAVIOUR AND SAFE WORKING ................................................ 14 2.3. A PPROACH FOR PROMOTING SAFE BEHAVIOUR ..................................................................................... 15 2.4. C OMMUNICATION AND INSTRUCTION ................................................................................................. 16 2.5. C OMMUNICATION AND INSTRUCTION ................................................................................................. 17 3. Prevention ................................................................................................. 19 3.1. P OSSIBLE PREVENTIVE MEASURES FOR HAZARDS AND RISKS AT WORK ....................................................... 19 3.2. P OINTS OF ATTENTION FOR RISKY WORK AND WORK PREPARATION ........................................................... 21 3.3. (T ASK ) RISK ANALYSIS , LMRA, H&S ANNUAL PLAN AND A CTION P LAN ..................................................... 22 4. Workplace ................................................................................................. 24 4.1. A N ERGONOMIC WORKPLACE ............................................................................................................ 24 4.2. S ECURING THE WORKPLACE AND INSTALLATION ..................................................................................... 27 4.3. M EANING OF THE DIFFERENT FORMS OF SIGNALLING AND MARKING ........................................................ 28 5. Personal protective equipment (PPE) ........................................................ 30 5.1. A PPLICATION , DEFINITION AND FUNCTION OF PPE ................................................................................ 30 5.2. O BLIGATIONS OF PROVIDERS AND USERS OF PPE .................................................................................. 30 6. Work equipment ....................................................................................... 35 6.1. W ORKING SAFELY WITH FIXED MACHINES , POWERED HAND TOOLS AND HAND TOOLS .................................. 35 6.2. D EFINITIONS , EXAMPLES AND GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ( HOISTING EQUIPMENT AND LIFTING ACCESSORIES ) ... 38 6.3. G ENERAL HAZARDS AND SAFETY MEASURES ( HOISTING ) ......................................................................... 39 6.4. G ENERAL HAZARDS , REQUIRED DOCUMENTS AND SAFETY MEASURES ( HOISTING EQUIPMENT ) ...................... 39 7. Specific activities and circumstances ......................................................... 41 7.1. D ANGERS / RISKS AND SAFETY MEASURES WHEN WELDING , CUTTING AND BURNING ..................................... 41 7.2. D ANGERS AND SAFETY MEASURES DURING DEMOLITION WORK ............................................................... 42 7.3. H AZARDS AND SAFETY PRECAUTIONS WHEN WORKING NEAR WALL AND FLOOR OPENINGS ........................... 42 7.4. W ORK AT HEIGHT ............................................................................................................................ 43

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8. Safety measures work in confined spaces .................................................. 46 8.1. D ANGERS AND SAFETY MEASURES WHEN WORKING IN CONFINED SPACES .................................................. 46 8.2. A DDITIONAL MEASURES .................................................................................................................... 47 9. Working with hazardous substances .......................................................... 48 9.1. D ETERMINE THE RISKS AND SAFETY MEASURES OF A HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE LABEL / PICTOGRAM .................. 48 9.2. D ISTINCTION BETWEEN THE USE AND TRANSPORT OF HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES ......................................... 48 9.3. M EASURES IN CASE OF ( POSSIBLE ) EXPOSURE TO HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES ............................................... 50 9.4. D ANGERS AND SAFETY MEASURES WHEN WORKING WITH SPECIFIC HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES ....................... 53 9.5. D ANGERS OF AND MEASURES AGAINST TOO HIGH AND TOO LOW OXYGEN CONCENTRATIONS ........................ 54 9.6. H AZARDS AND CAUSES OF LEAKS AND CORRECTIVE AND PREVENTIVE MEASURES ......................................... 55 9.7. W ORKING WITH BIOLOGICAL SUBSTANCES OR SUBSTANCES THAT CONTAIN BIOLOGICAL SUBSTANCES .............. 55 9.8. C OLOR CODING OF GAS CYLINDERS AND IMPORTANT GASES .................................................................... 55 10. Electricity and radiation ........................................................................... 56 10.1. D ANGERS WHEN WORKING WITH ELECTRICITY .................................................................................... 56 10.2. R EQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS OF PERSONS WHO MAY COME INTO CONTACT WITH ELECTRICITY ...................... 59 10.3. D ANGERS AND SAFETY PRECAUTIONS WITH IONIZING AND NON - IONIZING RADIATION ................................ 59 11. Fire and explosion ................................................................................... 60 11.1. F IRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS ........................................................................................................ 60 11.2. H AZARDOUS AREAS AND THE USE OF A PERSONAL EXPLOSION METER ..................................................... 60 11.3. C HOOSING THE RIGHT EXTINGUISHING AGENT .................................................................................... 61 11.4. P ROCEDURE IN CASE OF FIRE ........................................................................................................... 63 12. Management of incidents and emergencies ............................................. 64 13. Emergencies ............................................................................................ 65 13.1. C ORPORATE ( INTERNAL ) EMERGENCY PLAN ........................................................................................ 65 13.2. C OMPANY EMERGENCY RESPONSE .................................................................................................... 66 13.3. E VACUATION DRILL ........................................................................................................................ 66 12.1. D ETERMINING THE CORRECT COURSE OF ACTION IN THE EVENT OF INCIDENTS .......................................... 64

This book contains the final and test objectives of VCA Infra. These are the concepts as they can be used during the exam. This summary is useful for preparing for the VCA Basic, VCA VOL and VIL VCU exams.

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- The employer ensures the safety and health of employees with regard to all aspects related to work and implements a policy to this end. - The provision of Labor may not have a negative impact on the safety and health of employees. - Detecting hazards and managing risks. - Support through expert persons or services. - Informing and training of employees. - Consult and collaborate with the employees (representation). - Personal factors of the employee such as age, gender, knowledge of the working language and craftsmanship must be taken into account. - -Avoid monotonous work. Care for people other than employees - Employees of other employers who are in the workplace. - Suppliers, visitors, other attendees. - Local residents. General obligation of all employers in one location: Cooperate in the implementation of measures relating to the safety and health of employees and coordinate their actions in this regard. General rule regarding responsibility The employer who gives instructions, supervises and provides resources is also responsible for compliance with H&S legislation. The sanctioning options of the 'SZW Inspectorate' Drawing up a penalty report in response to a sanctionable offense to the employer/employee. Guaranteeing well-being - The layout of the workplace must be adapted to the employee.

Concepts from national H&S legislation The concept of ARBO (NL): Working conditions

Objectives of the H&S legislation - Protection when carrying out work. Improving the safety and health of employees at work. The best possible working conditions. Scope of application of the H&S legislation Rights and obligations: The legislation sets out the rights and obligations of both employer and employee in the field of safety and health at work and the conditions in which work is performed. Location: All places where work is performed Persons: Employer and employees - - Monitoring compliance with legislation Powers of the SZW Inspectorate: Monitoring compliance with safety and health legislation. Conduct an investigation following an accident. Ask employees for valid identification. Requirements regarding the manner in which safety and health legislation must be complied with. - Stopping work if there is a serious danger to persons. - Drawing up an official report following a violation. - Issue a warning regarding deviations from the regulations. - - - -

The general responsibilities under the H&S legislation for the employer

Principles of H&S legislation

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Objectives of H&S legislation regarding temporary employment Ensure that temporary workers enjoy the same level of protection in terms of occupational safety and health as other employees of the user company. Basic principles of H&S legislation regarding temporary employment Responsible for safety and health in temporary employment: The hiring company. Assistance in the field of prevention and protection - The company appoints one or more expert(prevention officer). - If the company does not have the necessary - expertise internally, the employer will - additionally call on external assistance. Obligations regarding health surveillance Obligations: Periodically give employees the opportunity to undergo an examination to prevent and limit health risks. Assistance in the field of prevention and protection - The company appoints one or more experts. - If the company does not have the necessary expertise internally, the employer will additionally call on external assistance. Expert persons or services Function of expert persons or services: Assist the employer and employees in the application of H&S legislation. The general obligations in the field of prevention, protection and health surveillance

Main tasks (expert persons or services) (NL): - Participate in the risk inventory and evaluation. - Participate in accident and incident investigations. - Advising and collaborating with employees (representation). - Carrying out occupational medical examinations. - Guidance for employees who are unable to perform their work due to illness. Propose measures to prevent health damage while exercising the profession. Prevention and timely detection of occupational diseases. - Check whether an employee is suitable for a task. - Scope of health surveillance -

The basics of environmental law -

Protect people and the environment against harmful effects of activities. Limit emissions and waste flows. Ensure effective and correct disposal of waste.

- -

Obligations to achieve goals -

Adjust production processes.

- - Use energy economically and efficiently. Economical and efficient use of natural resources. The basics of working hours legislation - Defining maximum working hours and minimum rest periods to prevent safety and health from being compromised. Progress in combining work and care tasks/family. Assumptions - Taking the employee's personal situation into account. - Coherence with Safety and Health Policy. -

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Application (NL) - All employees, below a certain salary limit.

- Collaborate with the employer and the prevention service in the field of promoting H&S at work. - Contribute positively to prevention policy. - Refrain from any act of violence, bullying or unwanted sexual behaviour at work. - Attend training. - Follow information. - Follow instructions. - Do not change or remove any installed safeguards and use them correctly. - Right to interruption of work in the event of imminent and serious danger to people. - Right to a safe and healthy working environment. Actions in the event of a threatening, serious or immediate danger - Immediately report the situation to the manager. - Stop work and/or move to safety. - Taking into account its technical knowledge and resources, take appropriate measures to prevent the consequences of such a hazard. Promoting the safety, health and well being of employees by pursuing a prevention policy integrated into company policy - Planning prevention and implementation of the policy from a systems approach General obligations of the employer - (drafting and implementing a global prevention plan and H&S annual plan) Carrying out a (written) risk analysis - Consulting experts (internal and external prevention service) - Consult with employees - Providing effective protective equipment and ensuring that they are used - Refrain from any act of violence, bullying or unwanted sexual behaviour at work - General employee rights - Right to information and education.

European Directives compared to national legislation A European directive must be converted into national legislation within a certain period.

A European regulation immediately applies in all Member States; Member States must adapt their national legislation where necessary so that it is not contradictory. Principles of CE marking - CE marking must be affixed by the manufacturer or importer. The CE marking may only be applied on the basis of a Technical File and a declaration of conformity, in which the manufacturer or importer confirms that his product complies with the safety requirements of the Directive. - Only CE marked work equipment may be placed on the market. Meaning of CE marking CE marking applied to work equipment and PPE means that it can be assumed that the product (e.g. work equipment, machines, PPE, etc.) complies with the relevant European Directive in terms of safety. - General obligations of the employee - Ensure your own safety and health and that of other people involved. Properly use and care for personal protective equipment. - Properly use machines, equipment, tools, hazardous substances, means of transport and other resources. - Reporting incidents to manager. - Reporting serious and immediate danger to safety and health to the manager. -

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Reporting and investigating serious industrial accidents to the 'SZW Inspectorate'

Characteristics of good information and training - Tailored to the nature, capacity and experience of the employee. - Tailored to the specific activities. - Understandable. - Practical, not just written. - Verify whether employee has understood the content.

- Take effective measures for assistance and evacuation - Ensure an appropriate welcome, information, training and instructions - Monitor compliance with the instructions - Take the necessary measures for the safety and health of third parties at the workplace

Mandatory content of information and training -

Body for reporting serious industrial accidents Labor inspection

Safety, health and well-being in general.

- - -

Hazards in the workplace.

Measures taken.

Regulations and rules that apply in the company.

HSE tasks of operational managers - Formulate proposals and advice to the employer Investigate accidents and incidents and propose measures Exercising control over work equipment and personal protective equipment Obtain advice from prevention services Verify that employees have required competence and information - Monitor compliance with the instructions - Ensure that employees understand and put into practice the information - Organizing the welcome of the starting employee and appointing an experienced employee for guidance - Participate in risk management (RIE and TRA) - Carrying out safety inspections - Organizing HSE meetings (toolbox meetings) Before starting work (when recruiting, including temporary employees) - In the event of a transfer or change of work post/position. - When introducing new work equipment or changing work equipment. - When introducing new work processes, new technology. - - - - Information and training obligations

Ways to improve employee motivation - Try to gain as much insight as possible into the personality and capabilities of your employees. - Do not give employees assignments that are below or above their capabilities. - Take into account the opinions, proposals, wishes and advice of your employees. - Let your employees know what you think about them, as well as their safety, health and environmental performance. - Assess your employees as objectively as possible. - When taking corrective action, ensure that the employee's value as a professional and as a person is not affected. - Provide a healthy dose of self-criticism. - Listen carefully to what someone else says. - Tell employees not only how to do something but also why. - Set a good example.

Legal liabilities relating to safety and health

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- Relationships between hirer, temporary worker and temporary employment agency. - The hirer is responsible for applying safety and health legislation. - The temporary employment agency has specific tasks: information to the temporary worker. Formal and material employer - The formal employer actually employs the employee. - The material employer is the person under whose authority the temporary worker works. Responsible for working conditions - The formal employer actually employs the employee - The material employer is the person under whose authority the temporary worker works Legal liability with regard to safety and health - When temporary employment there is a triangular relationship: temporary employment agency, hirer and temporary worker. - The temporary employment agency is liable in connection with: the transit obligation. The hirer, as material employer, is liable for the working conditions of the temporary worker. -

rules and regulations, professional competence. Careful selection of temporary workers. - Information to temporary worker(s) about health and safety aspects and agreements made with the hirer. - Procedure to be followed in the event of a serious accident involving temporary workers. Temporary worker's file - Personal data, social data, work permits. - Copy of an identification document. - Copies of relevant vocational training, further training, training in risky tasks. - - Evaluations, notes regarding deployment, incidents, etc. - Function-related limitations. - Language proficiency. - Evidence of medical fitness (if applicable). - Copy of driver's license (if applicable). Points of attention (when requested by the hirer) - Function name. - Location, department and working environment. - Activities and tasks to be performed. - Risky tasks and control measures of the task and workplace. - Required medical fitness. - Present risks (hazardous substances, machines, situations, processes). - Which PPE is used to manage these risks. - Who delivers the PPE (employment agency or hirer). - Who provides the instructions for use of PPE (employment agency or hirer). - Professional education/level of education. - Experience. - Language proficiency. - Possession of a valid Basic Safety VCA diploma, unless stated in the application and justified by the hirer that Basic Safety VCA is not mandatory. - - Work experience. Copies or proof of required valid certificates/attestations/diplomas.

Tasks, rights, obligations and authorities

Aspects of broadcasting -

Health and safety risks and control measures for temporary employment functions.

- Procedure to be followed when applying for temporary workers and recording agreements on HSE aspects (instruction, information, PPE, training, experience). - Request required HSE documents and be able to interpret them correctly, for example: the results of a risk analysis, HSE

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- -

Requirements regarding Risky tasks.

- Professional competence; theoretical knowledge; independence; perform tasks safely. - Motivation; attitude; communication; understanding instructions (language knowledge). Following HSE rules and regulations; adhere to work permits; honour existing commitments. Correct use of tools; provide tools; tidy. - Asking questions if there is uncertainty; reporting deviations; reporting unsafe situations. Communication and contacts with the temporary employment agency. - Evaluation (with the temporary worker) - Introduction and instructions received regarding regulations and rules (HSE). Provision of personal protective equipment and work clothing. Communication with contact person and/or direct manager. Work situation and working conditions with regard to safety and health. - Facilities such as changing room, canteen, sanitary facilities. - Attention and supervision to safe working conditions. - Involvement in HSE instructions/meetings (toolbox meetings; start-to-work instructions). Accidents resulting in absenteeism/time lost from work: - Procedure for reporting and registration. - Communication of the procedure to temporary workers. - Correct and complete completion of the accident form. - Registration of all accidents. - Annual follow-up of the accident statistics (IF). - - - - - Correct use of PPE; provide PPE. -

Other relevant training.

Points of attention (during selection) - Selection procedure for temporary worker(s) who meet the requirements set in the application. - A deviation or exception to the requirements set in the application will be submitted to the hirer before the final selection takes place. - Additional precautions or agreements are recorded on the selection or application document(s). - The hirer agrees to the deviating selection. If there is a discrepancy between the application and the selection, the temporary employment agency will make a note of this (date, name, position). Specific HSE risks and the HSE rules and regulations of the location - The deployment, the risks and management measures of the position in which they are placed. - Sector/industry specific HSE rules and regulations. - The personal protective equipment prescribed by the hirer and instructions on its correct use. - Medical examination, if necessary. - Reporting procedure for accidents resulting in absenteeism/time lost from work. Checking the agreements made with the hirer - Shelter in the company; meeting the chef. - Person to whom he must report for instructions about workplace and task. - Providing and wearing personal protective equipment (PPE). - The task that the temporary worker performs; the work location and conditions. - Competence and medical fitness to perform high-risk activities.

Medical research (NL)

Evaluation (with the hirer)

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- For which positions or specific work locations at hirers a medical examination is required. - Medical examination by authorized persons or recognized medical services for occupational health care. - Information to temporary workers about required medical suitability and medical examinations, examinations and re examinations to be carried out. - Checking and maintaining the medical suitability of temporary workers for the position they actually perform. - Check which medical examinations the hirer has carried out and cooperate with them (if necessary). - Knowing that medical research should not be misused to select the healthiest candidate. Deviation from the temporary worker's original duties - Prior information from the temporary employment agency and the temporary worker.

Companies that have their employees perform risky work or work in risky environments, such as factories, installations and construction Meaning of the VCA certificate: Quality mark to demonstrate that a company practices HSE control in accordance with the VCA rules. VCA* (one star). This certification level is aimed at direct HSE care during workplace activities - VCA ** (two stars). In addition to the elements from VCA*, the safety structures and systems within the contractor's company are also assessed - Petrochemicals: additional requirements are imposed on companies that carry out complex risky work in the petrochemical / petrochemical industry, in addition to VCA** - Objective of VCU certification - Meaning of VCU - VCU stands for "Safety and Health Checklist for Employment Organizations" - Objective of VCU certification: - Management by temporary employment organizations of the process of making temporary workers available with regard to safety and health at work - Objective of the VCO certification Meaning of VCO: VCO stands for Safety, Health and Environment Client Checklist Objective of VCO certification The client ensures the right conditions and circumstances so that VCA-certified contractors and temporary workers, who are sent through VCU-certified organizations and who come to do risky work for them on their site, work safely Safety passport The concept of safety passport: Personal document (booklet or digital registration) with Levels of VCA certification: -


Description of specific, additional prevention measures.


Agreements on who informs the temporary worker, provides instructions and protective equipment.

VCA : VGM Checklist for Contractors HSE : safety, health and environment Checklist : questionnaire developed as an examination and screening system Contractors : companies that carry out work for and for others (clients). Objective of VCA certification: Controlling the activities on the work floor with regard to HSE Goal: prevent incidents (VGM)

Target group VCA certification:

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important information about education, training, medical qualifications and vaccinations completed Conditions for completion: The employer has established a procedure to ensure that the safety passport is completed correctly and on time Central Diploma Register (CDR) The concept of CDR: The Central Diploma Register records the achievement of the following qualifications: 'Basic safety VCA', 'Safety for operational managers VCA', 'Safety for intermediaries and managers VCU' and/or qualifications in the context of the SSVV Training Guide . The Central Diploma Register is used for verification of a diploma/certificate (number) or name of a graduate/certified person. Meaning of the mandatory training and VCA diplomas SSVV Training Guide (NL): In the petrochemical industry it is mandatory that for a number of activities/functions the operational employees have taken an exam at a recognized centre. Activities in petrochemistry with mandatory exam (SSVV Training Guide) (NL): - Working with a forklift truck. - Working with a telehandler. - Working with an aerial work platform. - Working on flange connections and with fittings. - Working as an outside guard. - Moving and guiding loads. - Work with independent respiratory protection. - Gas measuring: explosive and toxic substances and oxygen. Training requirements in the context of VCA: - For operational employees: Basic Safety VCA diploma (B-VCA).

- For operational managers of operational employees: diploma "Safety for Operational Managers VCA" (VOL-VCA). - For high-risk tasks: certificate of the relevant test.

Training requirements for temporary workers and for employees of the temporary

employment agency Training requirements: -

The temporary workers who are sent to hirers with a VCA certificate: diploma “Basic Safety VCA” - The temporary worker who is sent as an operational manager at a hirer: diploma “Safety for Operational Manager VCA” or VOL-VCA - The intermediary and managers in the temporary employment organization with a VCU certificate: diploma “Safety for Intermediaries and Managers VCU” or VIL VCU

General safety rules Target audience: -

For the entire organization.

- - - -

Own staff.

Temporary workers.

Other people at the location. Personnel of contractors and subcontractors.

Guidelines: -

Must be recorded in writing.


Must be made known to every person entering the location for the first time.


Must be sufficiently clear and unambiguous.


Must also be able to be understood by non-native speakers.

Scope of application: - Log in and out. - Traffic rules on site.

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- - -

How to act in the event of incidents.

Ensure that consultation takes place and formal permission is given for work on the site and on the installations.

Waste separation.

Reporting accidents, fire and incidents.

Stages of the cause-effect sequence: 1. Background (organization). 2. Human failure. 3. Unsafe actions and/or situations. 4. Accident. 5. Injury and/or damage. Scope of application: For tasks, functions and activities with an increased risk.

Purpose (additional work permit) - The work involves specific risks. -

The work requires specific training or explanation.

- The condition for carrying out that work is: it is in writing. - The condition for carrying out that work is: it has been explained. - The condition for carrying out that work is: it has been signed. Work requiring an additional work permit - Entering a confined space. - Fire-hazardous work, including fire permit (BE) or hot work permit (NL), for example: welding, grinding. - Digging in contaminated subsoil. - Digging in ground containing pipes. - Working on or near dangerous radiation sources. - Lifting work above or in the vicinity of important installations. - Working with or demolishing asbestos containing materials. - Working with hazardous substances. - Work at height. Functions and contents of a work permit - Consult with everyone involved in the work. - Making binding agreements with everyone involved in the work. - Establishing the conditions under which work must take place. - Granting permission to commence the work.

Activities: -

Entering confined spaces.

- - - -

Work at height. Warm/hot work.

Working in an explosive environment. Use of the required personal protective equipment.

- -

Excavation work.

Use of specific tools, equipment and implements.

- - - -

Shielding. Ventilation. Signalling.


Guidelines: -

Must be recorded in writing. Must be sufficiently clear and unambiguous.



Must be available for the employee in question. Must be explained to the employees involved.


- The employees involved must be checked to see whether they have understood the rules. - Must also be able to be understood by non-native speakers.

Contents of the work permit -

Validity period (usually 1 day).

- -

What work is required. Who will do what work.

- Measures to be taken/taken by the issuer of the work permit.

Purpose (work permit)

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- Measures to be taken by the operational employees, those who carry out the work. - Measures to leave the working environment safe after the work.

- -

How the work takes place. Where the work takes place.

Measures (prescribed by the provider) - The measures to work safely - Secure: plug-in flanges, electrically and/or mechanically lock - Measuring and detecting Measures (to be taken by the operational employee) - The measures that must be taken by operational employees to work safely. - All personal protective equipment must be noted here. Those who sign agree to the contents of the work permit. The work permit is signed by the issuer, the holder and by the manager(s) of the operator(s) or by the operator(s) if he is entitled to do so. - Duties of the manager of the operational employees - The manager must thoroughly discuss all measures with the operational employees in advance. - The manager must ensure that the work permit is present at the workplace. - The manager must check the measures to be taken by the issuer and the holder. Signature -



- Conditions for the extension of the work permit.

Duties of persons involved in the work permit - Checking the installation's exemption before signing the permit. - Discussion with the work permit holder about the nature of the work, the conditions and the measures that must be taken to sign the work permit. - Signing the work permit. - If necessary, the provider ensures that the necessary measurements have been taken. - If various activities are carried out together, the provider will ensure that: - necessary coordination and agreements between the intervening parties. The holder is usually the manager of the operational employees. The holder provides explanations to the operational employees. The holder signs the work permit. The holder ensures that the work also takes place in accordance with the conditions on the work permit. - The holder ensures that the work permit is on site. - - - Be informed of the contents of the work permit. - Adhere to the conditions for the work, as described in the work permit. - Adhere to the measures stated on the work permit. - Only work with a valid work permit and take the validity period into account. Duties (holder) - Duties (operational employees) -

Parts of the work permit -

This states what the work entails.

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- Preventing pollution, environmental damage. More pleasant working environment, positive influence on motivation. Preventing loss of tools and materials. Examples of order and cleanliness - Clean up the environment. - Dispose of/store residual materials. Storage system for tools and materials. - Hang up cables (safety hooks) or conceal them. - Good layout of the workshop/yard. - - -

Behaviour -

Ensure your own safety and health and that of other people involved.

- -

A positive attitude.

Adhere to the safety regulations and follow directions and instructions. Address other employees about unsafe actions. - Report unsafe situations and incidents and take appropriate action. - Attention to personal hygiene, order and cleanliness. Influence of alcohol and/or drug use - Decreased vigilance. - Reduced or problematic functioning. - Reduced ability to assess situations. - Lowers the threshold for transgressive behaviour. - Overestimation of one's own capabilities. - Increased workload on colleagues and disruption of work organization. Behaviour in alcohol and/or drug use - Abstain from alcohol and drug use during work or with influence on work. - Report problematic use to the manager and refrain from dangerous work or work that could pose a danger to others. - Seek help for chronic problematic use. Use of medications Some medications can also have the same effects as drugs, consult your doctor whether risky work may be carried out when using medications. -

Behaviour and HSE policy -

Behaviour or acceptance of behaviour is an important cause of accidents. After the policy focused on technology and organization, the human factor is addressed through 'behaviour'.


Causes of unsafe behaviour -

Toleration of transgressions, lack of leadership. Lack of knowledge/information (= not knowing).


- Incorrect assignment of task (lack of skills = inability). - Unwillingness (= not wanting to). - Conflicting objectives/assignments. - Lack of preview function. Policy elements - Policy aimed at better safety performance. - Clearly formulated assignment. - Clarity about desired and undesirable behaviour. - Clarity about the priority of safe working. - Sanction and reward policy. - Communication and awareness campaigns. - Corporate culture.

Order and cleanliness (good housekeeping) - Preventing incidents.

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The role of the manager - Manager determines the working method. - Manager supervises. - The manager has the necessary information about the employees, the work and the circumstances.


Reduce the disadvantages of safe behaviour.

Strategies (stopping unsafe behaviour) - Clarify the consequences of unsafe working. - Make opportunities for unsafe behaviour more difficult. Emphasizing the success of safe behaviour - Discuss safety topics positively on a regular basis. - Give clear and convincing instructions to employees. - Positively value safe behaviour of employees during the assessment. Reducing the disadvantages of safe behaviour - Ensure manageable safety regulations. - Ensure good accessibility of safety facilities. - Provide comfortable personal protective equipment. - Ensure sufficient time to work safely. Clarify the consequences of unsafe working - Provide information about the hazards. - Show and discuss accidents and their consequences. - Provide instructions on how to prevent unsafe actions and unsafe situations. Making opportunities for unsafe behaviour more difficult - Installing fences and barriers. - Ensure that equipment only functions when the associated safeguards are used. - Remove bad tools and materials. - Imposing sanctions for unsafe behaviour. Tasks and approach of the intermediary Tasks of the intermediary - A correct selection in function of: the request of the hirer, the task content and - - Setting a good example. Seeing safe working as good craftsmanship.

Elements of organization -

Structured consultation.

- - - -

Safety behaviour observations. Right man in the right place. A good welcome/introduction. Handle questions and complaints adequately.

General rules of conduct -

Employees adhere to the safety regulations. Employees speak to each other about unsafe actions. Employees intervene immediately in unsafe situations. Employees ask questions in unclear situations.




- - - - - -

Setting a good example. Respond consistently. Monitoring and correcting Also be critical of yourself.

Seek advice in unclear situations. Taking into account the opinions, proposals, wishes and advice of your employees.

- Give clear and convincing instructions to employees (how and why).

Influencing behaviour to promote safety and health Basic principles - Encourage safe behaviour. - Deter unsafe behaviour.

Strategies (encourage safe behaviour) - Emphasize the success of safe behaviour.

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the capacities and experiences of the temporary worker. Verification of the temporary worker's basic safety and health knowledge (e.g. Basic Safety VCA). - Evaluation of the temporary worker after completing the assignment. - Information to the temporary worker about the necessity, benefits and importance of working safely. Approach - Try to gain as much insight as possible into the temporary worker's capabilities. - Do not give the temporary worker assignments that are below or above their capabilities. - Take into account the opinions, proposals, wishes and advice of the temporary worker himself. - Check for any negative work experiences. - Let the temporary worker know what you and the hirer think about him, including his safety performance. - Assess the temporary worker as objectively as possible. - When taking corrective action, ensure that - the temporary worker's value as a professional and as a person is not affected. Provide a healthy dose of self-criticism. Avoid emotional situations as much as possible. As an intermediary, don't be “bossy”. Try to listen carefully to what someone else has to say to you. - - - -

Examples -

Meeting with clients and contractors. Consultation with managerial and operational employees. Information transfer (briefing) when changing shifts. HSE meeting (toolbox meeting) with operational employees. General guidelines regarding temporary workers - General basic information about the risks when receiving/receiving the temporary worker by the intermediary: about the activities and circumstances, about the position and the workplace, the hiring company and the temporary employment agency have a shared obligation to inform temporary workers, the temporary employment agency must provide the temporary worker with information about the workplace and job requirements. - Specific job location: at the reception of the temporary worker by the hirer, preferably at the workplace, preferably by the relevant operational manager of the hiring company, before the start of the work. Content of general and specific information for new employees Content (general information) - General safety and health rules. - General regulations for fire and alarm. - Reporting procedure in case of (near) accidents and unsafe situations. - The guidelines to be followed in the event of an accident during or on the way to and from work. - Necessity and use of personal protective equipment. - - -

Communication of risks and control measures to those involved (including temporary workers)

Content (specific information) - Hazards in the workplace. - Measures taken. -

General guidelines -

Specific workplace-related safety and health rules.

Before the start of the work.


Preferably take place at the workplace.

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- Specific safety and health rules tied to installations, machines, work equipment. - Specific company-related data about dangerous zones, evacuation routes, canteen, sanitary facilities, etc. Information about the workplace to be occupied (job requirements, hazards, control measures) based on information from the client. Information by the temporary employment agency - General safety and health rules. - General regulations for fire and alarm. - Reporting unsafe actions and situations. - What to do in case of accidents at work and in case of accidents on the way to and from work. - Details of the employment agency (establishment) and the contact person. - Policy statement from the temporary employment agency. - Necessity and rules of use of personal protective equipment. - Sector-specific information (eg pictograms). - Information about the workplace in question: job requirements, hazards and control measures. - Specific information provided by the hirer. - Specific regulations and rules of the hirer. - Explanations about the hirer's licensing system. - Handing over documentation. Hirer and employment agency have a shared obligation regarding: information for the temporary worker. - The temporary employment agency must provide the temporary worker with information about the workplace and the requirements associated with the position and the work. - This information is provided by the hirer. - Transit obligation -

Consultation in the context of H&S legislation and VCA Two forms of consultation - Consultation between employer and employee representation - Work consultation with the employees HSE meeting (toolbox meeting) Participants in the consultation between employer and employee representation - Employer (chairman) - Employers (delegation) - Employees (delegation) - Experts (e.g. prevention advisors)

Characteristics of work meetings Characteristics - Occurs regularly -

Takes place in a structured manner (agenda, report) Runs interactively from top to bottom


Points of interest and content of a HSE meeting (toolbox meeting) Make clear agreements and record them in writing in the report of the meeting. Test whether the message(s) has been understood.

Subjects -

Use of personal protective equipment

- - - - -

Order, cleanliness Working methods

(Emergency) procedures Incidents, accidents Workplace inspections

Requirements and working method for HSE meetings (toolbox meeting) Attendees Management of the department/service Operational employees The concept of a HSE meeting (toolbox meeting) - Short meeting in an informal atmosphere

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- About safety, health and the environment - With interactive participation of all attendees Goal Informing and motivating employees to prevent unsafe actions/behaviour Points of attention during workplace inspections and observation rounds - Allow sufficient time for this (approximately 30 minutes) Make it clear what the intention is - Observe 1 person, never an entire group at the same time - It is a regular and not an occasional task for the manager (each manager at least once a month) - Observe preferably with two people, maximum with three people Avoid disrupting work and do not get in the way of employees Observe the work and pay particular attention to the HSE aspects - Your presence leads to reactions, if this is counterproductive, you should discuss this with the person concerned at a later time - If your presence changes the work approach, respond to it - Take notes - Don't just look, but ask questions, listen, give advice and make appointments - Inform the person concerned about positive and negative safety aspects of what has been observed - Correct in such a way that it is positive for the motivation of the employees - Pay attention to incidents that have occurred - Communicate in such a way that the employee is valued - - - Check whether procedures and regulations are followed -


Position (location) of employees in relation to each other

- -

Actions of employees

Resources: machines, tools and equipment

- -

Order and cleanliness

Apply procedures

Report -



Is safe working and behaviour easy/difficult/impossible


Observer and observed agreed on safe working and behaviour

- -

What actions are taken

Which persons/services are responsible for this action Which persons/services are responsible for following up on this action


Benefits of workplace inspections - Increasing safety awareness -

Provide a good insight into the safety situation in the workplace

Workplace inspections -

Increasing safety awareness


Provide a good insight into the safety situation in the workplace

Work meeting -

Occurs regularly


Takes place in a structured manner (agenda, report) Runs interactively from top to bottom


Importance of consultation about safety and health within the temporary employment agency Involvement of management and managers. Involvement of the temporary worker in the HSE meetings (toolbox meetings ) - The intermediary informs the temporary worker about the existence and purpose of the HSE meetings (toolbox meetings)

Subjects -

Collective protection appliances Personal protective equipment


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- The temporary worker must participate in the HSE meetings (toolbox meetings), which are organized by the hirer

The concept of danger -

Characteristic of a substance or product that can cause an incident Situation that could cause an incident


The concept of risk -

Risk= chance x effect

- The risk is determined by the likelihood that a hazard will cause an accident - The risk is determined by the extent of the damage (the consequence) Risk-increasing conditions at work - Messy workplace - Too much or too little light - Vibrations - Weather conditions - Dust or polluted air - Working in the vicinity of radiation sources - Traffic in the area - Working in a confined space - Difficult to access workplace - Workplace with little room to move - Workplace with few escape routes - Dangerous work in the area - Complexity Prevent the risk from increasing Take measures to reduce the risk Preventing an accident from happening - Preventing health damage from occurring. - Preventing environmental damage from occurring Preventive measures and hierarchy - First, source-oriented measures: eliminating hazards, removing the cause, prevention, choosing another safer working method - Secondly, limit or reduce the risk: collective protection and protection, - - Prevention -

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